Early Intervention Services
The first three years of life are critical for establishing the foundational skills for a child’s continued growth. The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is designed for children under the age of three who have a developmental delay. These services are provided at no out-of-pocket cost to families.

Service Coordination
From finding the right clinician, to preparing for preschool, there are many steps to helping your child receive the best care. New York Center’s Service Coordinators assist families in accessing services and supports appropriate to their needs.

Therapy Services in Home and Community Settings
Our interventions emphasize family partnership and participation, with goals developed collaboratively and interventions implemented within the family and child’s natural daily routines. Our therapists deliver services that are uniquely tailored to your child’s individual needs, including:
Special Instruction, ABA, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Social Work, and Counseling.

Specialized Schools for Young Children with Autism
Our schools offer year-round educational and therapeutic services to young children with Autism. They offer our unique approach that includes a combination of the ABA and JASPER methodology as well as Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy. Individualized ABA and JASPER instruction designed to address goals in language and social communication development is offered in a variety of classroom routines. Grounded in evidence-based treatments, our programs focus on building social communication, play, and learning skills crucial to early development.
In New York City, call 311 to see if you qualify for Early Intervention Services.